Things you need to know
Knowledge-Based Assessment*
- Friday, June 27, 2025. Registration is open, deadline is 10 days prior to KBA date.
- Friday, November 21, 2025
Performance-Based Assessment*
- October 25, and 26, 2025 – Ontario Location
* IMPORTANT: Assessment Dates and Fees are subject to change.
What does the Canadian Alliance of Dental Technology Regulators do?
Advance Best Practices in Dental Technology
CADTR works collaboratively in response to changes in dental technology practice and regulation. We aim to enhance public accountability, develop and promote a national strategy for consistent regulatory practices and create a partnership model of action.
Support Internationally Educated Professionals
We’re the central point of contact for internationally educated professionals who want to become licensed and practice dental technology in Canada. We provide information about coming to Canada, guidance in getting registered with a dental technology regulator (DTR) and tools to help you get started in your home country.
Provide Credentialing and Assessment Services
On behalf of our members, we evaluate the education and qualifications of applicants educated in Canada and abroad in dental technology and other dental health programs. We also set and administer the Dental Technology Entry-to-Practice Assessment (DTETPA) to determine a candidate’s readiness for safe, effective and independent dental technology practice.
Engage Stakeholders
CADTR believes that partnerships are key to advancing its work and focuses effort on strengthening national and international lines of communication with its stakeholders. The alliance networks and shares information with governments, educators, professional associations, national regulator alliances of other professions and stakeholders.
Considering a career in dental technology in Canada? Visit for customized tools, information and resources to help you navigate the registration process and achieve your goals.
Self-Evaluation Tool
Before submitting your credentials to CADTR, use our Profession Specific Credential Evaluation Tool to self-evaluate your transcript, course syllabi and practice experience against the minimum entry level requirements.
Knowledge-Based Assessment (KBA) Practice Tool
Use this tool to prepare for the KBA with practice questions that mimic the content and structure of the actual assessment questions, with study resources to help you along the way.
This interactive calculator helps you determine the costs incurred in becoming a Canadian registered dental technologist/technician. All costs are estimated in Canadian dollars.
Coming to
We’ll guide you in pre-arrival planning, choosing where to live and practice, and navigating your new work environment.
Our ongoing initiatives support our regulators and applicants, safeguarding the future of the dental technology profession in Canada.
Access to Dental Technology (ADT)
In December 2017, CADTR was awarded funding from Employment and Social Development Canada to undertake a series of initiatives under the multi-year pan-Canadian “Access to Dental Technology Project”
National Essential Competencies for Dental Technology Practice in Canada (NEC)
In April 2019 CADTR approved the NEC which is a comprehensive list of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that may be expected of a registered/licensed dental technology professional
National Essential Entry-to-Practice Competencies (NEETPC)
The NEETPC is a “Master Blueprint” that standardizes and enables fair, consistent and transparent assessments of applicants’ qualifications and competencies for licensure across Canada
Dental Technology Entry-to-Practice Assessment (DTETPA)
Effective November 1, 2020 all new applicants will complete the DTETPA which is made up of two assessments: Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA) and Performance Based Assessment (PBA)
Our provincial members serve and protect the public by ensuring that everyone seeking registration to practice dental technology meets standard qualifications in education and professional competencies.
Alberta College of Dental Technologists of Alberta
#304 – 13220 St. Albert Trail
Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1
Tel: (780) 469-0615
British Columbia BC College of Oral Health Professionals
110 – 1765 8th Ave W
Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 5C6
Tel: 672-202-0448
Toll free within Canada: 1-888-202-0448
New Brunswick New Brunswick Dental Technicians Association
1725 Lincoln Road
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 8P4
Tel: (506)451-9199
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Dental Technicians Association
26 Keating Dr.
West Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia B0J 1N0
Tel: (902) 440-7131
Ontario College of Dental Technologists of Ontario
Tel: (416) 438-5003
Québec Ordre des technologues en prothèses et appareils dentaires du Québec
1200, McGill College, Suite 1500
Montréal, Québec H3B 4G7
Tel: (514) 447-7593