
We’ve created a set of tools to guide you on the path to becoming a Registered Canadian Dental Technology Professional.

Credential Self-Evaluation Tool

Use the Credential Self-Evaluation tool to self-evaluate your course syllabi and practice experience against the minimum. Our CADTR Credential Evaluator uses the same criteria to assess your academic and practice experience across five program areas, each containing multiple, specific content components or elements.

Knowledge-Based Assessment (KBA) Practice Tool

Use this tool as a study aid for success. Our practice questions mimic the content and structure of actual KBA: 75 multiple choice, multiple select and image-based questions based on the KBA Master Blue-print. For a realistic assessment experience, aim to complete it within a 90-minute time limit. When done, review your report to determine which areas of study need improvement.

Cost Estimator

This interactive calculator helps you determine the costs you may incur on your path to becoming a Canadian registered dental technologist/technician.